Netilion Conserve

Improved sustainability tracking for water treatment companies.
Project hero image


E+H Logo and Name

Project Type & Deliverables

  • Product Design
  • Business Design
  • Prototype

Project Details


Product Designer


3 HCI Students


10 Weeks

Case Study Outline

The Client

Endress and Hauser is a company that manufactures IoT-based precision measurement instruments such as flow meters, pressure meters, level meters, etc. which can transmit readings over the internet.

E+H short logo

The company also sells a suite of digital products called Netillion Water Network Insights (NWNI) which works with IoT-based sensors to provide various water network insights in the Food & beverage, wastewater, and chemical industries.

Netilion Cloud Illustration

To better understand how water treatment plants work, E+H connected us with Citizen's Energy which is a company that owns water treatment plants in downtown Indianapolis.

Citizens Energy logo

Our Challenge

Build a sustainability tracking system for Water Treatment Companies

My Contributions

  1. Designed interview questionnaires and guided the conversation during the plant visit and interviews.
  2. Ideation and Sketching.
  3. Constructed the Medium and High Fidelity Prototypes.
  4. Conducted evaluations on the medium-fidelity prototype.

Problem Statement

How might we make it easier for water treatment and community water companies to track their sustainability progress and activities?


A sustainability dashboard called Netilion Conserve that will allow users to start discussions on all measurements and charts to simplify communications as well as provide a template-based report generation system.

How will it work

Smart E+H meters

Smart E+H Meters Icon
Smart meters manufactured by E+H will send readings from all over the water treatment plant to a server.

Netilion Conserve

Netilion Conserve Icon
The desktop application makes sense of the isolated data.
Safety and security Icon
Sustainability Insights and Dashboards
Customized dashboards and an ability to generate custom visualizations.
Communication Icon
Template-based Report generation
Users can upload report templates that the system will auto-fill for easier reports.
Integration icon
Annotation-based communications
Messages and tasks can be attached to any part of the UI for better communication.

Key Screens

Custom Charts and Statistics

Users can build custom statistics and build custom charts out of one or more readings that will be connected to the smart E+H sensors or to live excel sheets.

Integrations screen
Integrations screen

Discussions anywhere on the UI

Users can start discussions on every section of the UI for smoother communication within the organisation. These discussions can be turned into tasks that can be assigned to people within the organisation.

All Discussions and Tasks in one place

All discussions and tasks can be found in one place. Users can travel back in time to view past discussions and tasks.

Integrations screen
Integrations screen

Simplified Report Generation

Users can build report templates using UI component IDs (time-range in this case) as placeholders. When the user clicks on "Download" the system will populate the placeholders with the corresponding values.

Organisation-wide visibility

Users can view all the E+H sensor connections and the connected excel sheets in one place along with their health (using E+H's Heartbeat Technology) and replacement recommendations.

Integrations screen


I used the following methods to conduct my research -
EA Icon

Environmental Analysis

Interviews Icon
Store Visit Icon
Store Visit
See how and why I performed these methods below.

Environmental Analysis


To understand how water treatment works and the current sustainability tracking landscape in the water treatment industry.

How did I do it?

The team researched online to fill each section of this Environmental Analysis template. I read 20 online articles about sustainability in the water treatment industry, watched 15-20 videos,  and went through the financial reports of Citizen's Energy (assigned customer).

Challenges faced

  1. Understanding competitors' products that were paid.

How I overcame them

  1. Watched advertisement and promo videos about competitors' products on youtube.

Interviews & Field Visit


To understand Citizen’s Energy’s water treatment process, E+H sensors used, The stakeholders involved, and their pain points.

How did I do it?

Interviewed the following stakeholders -

  1. The E+H Sponsor for this project.
  2. The Plant Manager at the Citizen's Energy water treatment plant in Indianapolis.
  3. The Environmental Steward at Citizen's Energy.

And conducted a field visit of the Citizen's Energy Indianapolis water treatment plant (to understand how water treatment works)

Challenges faced

  1. Understanding the jargon involved in Water treatment processes.

How I overcame them

  1. Watched videos about industrial water processes  by the Veolia Group on youtube.

Thematic Analysis

I along with the team posted all our findings on a Figjam board where we used affinity mapping to identify themes and group findings according to themes.

Thematic analysis Figjam screenshot

Key insights

Here are some of the key insights from our research -

Insight #1

A sustainable outlook is beneficial for companies

Companies with a better sustainability footprint attract more talent and business.

Takeaway #1

A sustainable outlook is beneficial for companies

Companies with a better sustainability footprint attract more talent and business.

Insight #2

Increased spending on sustainability

Companies are ramping up their spending on sustainable activities.

Takeaway #2

Sustainability is a good market.

With companies willing to spend, there is room for building a profitable product.

Insight #3

The current workflow is very time-consuming

The current process of collecting data, generating a report, and devising a sustainability strategy takes over 80 hours.

Takeaway #3

Need for efficiency

An ideal solution would reduce this time drastically.

Insight #4

Slow Moving Industry

Replacing sensors and infrastructure happens very rarely in the water treatment industry.

Takeaway #4

Backward Compatibility

An ideal solution would be one that not only works with the new E+H smart sensors but also provides backward compatibility for other sensors that are currently in use.

Current Workflow

Current workflow chart of water treatment companies

Users and their pain points

Sustainability Executive Persona Illustration
Sustainability Executive
  • Long data refresh times
  • Delegation
  • Data Errors
Data Analyst Persona Illustration
Data Analyst
  • Data errors and troubleshooting
  • Data Errors
Plant Manager Persona Illustration
Plant Manager
  • Tracking tasks in the strategy
  • Data collection


Competitor Logo - Microsoft

Microsoft sustainability cloud

Competitor logo - Salesforce

Salesforce Net Zero Cloud

Competitor Logo - Benchmark ESG

Benchmark ESG

Competitor Logo - Niras

Niras SDG

The shortcomings we found in these competitors

  • No simplification for data collection.
  • Weak support for data troubleshooting.
  • No Improvement in communication and delegation.

Solution Rationale

Any solution we conceptualize needed to -

  • Allow easy insight into the organisation's sustainability footprint.
  • Simplify communication throughout the organisation.
  • Reduce the time taken to generate a report.


For the ideation phase, we conceptualized 3 features for each major pain point and voted internally(shown by the stamps) to finalize a set of features in the final product. The features in blue are the features that I conceptualized.

Feature Ideation

Final Idea

In order to finalize an idea we ran the Plant Manager and the Environmental Steward at Citizen's Energy, as well as the E+H Sponsor through our ideas and finalized the following set of features.

Final feature set Map

Information Architecture

Information Architecture Map


Home Screen Sketch


Memory Palace Screen Sketch

Memory Palace

Data Connections Screen Sketch

Data Connections

Medium Fidelity Designs

Next, I converted all of the sketches into a medium-fidelity Figma prototype which we could use to perform usability tests.

Charts with Annotations Mid Fi Screen

Charts and Annotations

Memory Palace Mid Fi Screen

Memory Palace

Data Connections Mid Fi Screen

Data Connections

Report Generation Mid Fi Screen

Report Generation

To check out the full mid-fi prototype, click here.

Usability Testing

Next, I evaluated the medium-fidelity prototype with the Plant Manager and Environmental Steward at Citizen's Energy and the E+H sponsor and found the following key issues with our design.

  • Goals ought to be shown on the charts and not just the stats.
  • There is no time range shown on the charts page.
  • For adding charts and stats, there is no way to capture values that might be combinations of readings from multiple sensors and excel sheets.
Here is the entire list of issues we found with our designs

Final Figma Prototype


  • Understanding industrial processes: This project exposed me to the complexities of understanding the industrial processes (water treatment in this case). It taught me the value of educating yourself about the industry-specific terminology and jargon before actually speaking with the industry professionals
  • Early Evaluations: The evaluations performed on the medium-fidelity prototype allowed us to eliminate a large number of errors earlier on in the design process

Final thoughts

This was an interesting and challenging project where we got to learn about an entirely new domain that we had no familiarity with. Overall we are all proud of the outcome of the project and the growth we all experienced. Special thanks to Matt Walsh from E+H, Justin Redman, and Anne McIver from Citizen's Energy for their time and effort in helping us throughout the design process. Finally, this wouldn't have been possible without our mentor Professor Lou Lenzi whose insights and mentorship were the guiding lights throughout this project.

Team picture with the sponsors

The team with Matt Walsh and Justin Redman at the Water treatment plant.

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